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When Should my Child First Visit the Dentist?

added on: January 7, 2015
toddler boy smiling and brushing his teeth

Many parents are unsure when their child should visit the dentist for the first time. It’s a question we hear quite often at our pediatric dental office in Long Island, and one we’re more than happy to answer.


A child’s dental care first starts during pregnancy. Baby’s teeth actually begin to form prior to birth, so it’s important for Mom to follow a balanced diet and ensure she’s getting a proper intake of vitamins and minerals. Regular dental appointments for Mom-to-be are essential. If Mom has any active gum disease or cavities, it’s imperative to have those treated.

It’s Teething Time!

As Baby’s teeth begin to erupt, usually around 6 months, your child may experience some teething pain. Rubbing Baby’s gums or giving him a wet washcloth to suck may help relieve the pain. It’s also the most important time for your child to first visit a pediatric dentist in Long Island. According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, your child should have his first visit with a dentist by 6 months, and no later than his first birthday. This visit ensures that everything is erupting without issue and allows your dentist to assess for possible future dental problems.


If your child has accident that damages his teeth or mouth prior to the first recommended visit, we encourage you to see a pediatric dentist as soon as possible. Babies with developmental problems should also see a dentist earlier than usual. If an injury or developmental problem affects teeth, other areas of the mouth, or jaw, it’s wise to also talk with your pediatrician.

At our pediatric dental office in Long Island, we always encourage the our patients’ parents to be proactive about child dental care. The earlier we see your child, the sooner we act to ameliorate any potential issues.

Welcoming pediatric patients from Long Island, Westbury, Nassau County, and neighboring areas.