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Dental Emergency

When Should Kids Wear a Mouthguard? 
added on: July 12, 2023

Playing sports and being physically active is great for overall health and helps kids burn off energy, especially in the summer months. However, sports and other activities that involve physical contact can come with a risk of dental injury. That’s why your pediatric dentist in Long Island will always recommend that… Read More…

What is a Dental Emergency?
added on: April 22, 2020
emergency room sign

Nobody wants to experience a dental emergency, and that may be more true now than ever before thanks to all of the confusion and uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 and dental care. Don’t worry, your pediatric dentist in Long Island and the American Dental Association (ADA) are here to help clarify what… Read More…

How to Handle a Dental Emergency
added on: June 26, 2019
boy gets dental examn

Dental emergencies, which include any injury to the teeth, gums, or mouth, can be scary. When one happens to your child, it can be even scarier. At our Long Island pediatric dental office, we understand, and we are here to help give you a few tips on how to handle… Read More…

What All Parents Should Know About Dental Emergencies
added on: October 19, 2018
children at school eating snacks

Nobody wants to get that call from their child’s school saying that there was an accident on the playground or during gym class. But as parents, we all know that sometimes accidents happen, and sometimes those accidents happen at school. But what do you do if your kid has a… Read More…

How to Handle Children’s Dental Emergencies
added on: March 23, 2017
dental emergency

No parent ever wants their child to experience an emergency of any kind, and dental emergencies can be particularly concerning and confusing. What’s the right thing to do? What shouldn’t you do? Don’t worry, our pediatric dental office in Long Island is here to help. Different Emergencies Require Different Care… Read More…

Top 3 Toothache Tips for Kids
added on: July 22, 2016
crying toddler

Almost all of us have experienced a toothache, so we know how uncomfortable the pain can be for adults. But when a toothache happens to a child, it’s a different story. The parent side of us wants to make the pain go away as soon possible and tries to make… Read More…

Posted In: Dental Emergency

What to do if Your Kid Has a Dental Emergency at School
added on: October 7, 2015
four children in classroom smiling

You just got it: That dreaded call from the school nurse. Sally fell from the top of the slide. Danny was smacked in the mouth with a baseball. Dylan ran face first into a glass door. You try not to panic as you grab your keys and head out the… Read More…

Dental Trauma
added on: April 15, 2013

Approximately 30% of all children will experience a dental injury before adulthood. Common injuries include teeth being knocked out, fractured, forced out of position, pushed up, or loosened. Root fractures, dental bone fractures, as well as, injury to the gums, lips, or tongue can also occur. Children are most prone… Read More…

Posted In: Dental Emergency